Tile Adhesive ISOCOLL C1
Conform to European standards En12004/C1
Cement adhesive (powder) used for gluing ceramic tiles for interior floors of kitchens and Bathrooms and laboratories, with layer thickness does not exceed 10 mm It is characterized by good adhesionstrength, good open time that helps to complete the installation process without any problems, it is used at temperatures above 5°C and up to 4°F, 35° C, used for small sized tiles.
Technical specifications:
ISOCOLL C1is a ceramic adhesive made from Portland cement with very high resistance Combined with someother additives besides high quality sand,the product has been manufactured according to the market needs for economical products, but at the same time it is manufactured according to the specification European ISO
En12004/C1 so that it meets the requirements of the market and constru tion companies